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Chapter 3
A few more days passed, and the emperor decided that he wanted to see the new clothes himself. He told all his advisors to come with him. He wanted to see if any of them could not see the clothes. Then he would know if they were stupid or lazy advisors.
Good morning, gentlemen. Is my new suit almost ready? Good morning, your majesty. Yes. It’s almost ready. Would you like to see? Yes, I would. My advisors said you do very good work. Thank you.
Here it is. Do you like it? We can change the sleeves if you don’t like them.
The emperor was very surprised. He looked and looked, but he could not see the new clothes. But all his advisors were there, and he hid not want them to think that he was stupid or a bad emperor.
So the emperor pretended to see the clothes. I like the sleeves. What do you think, Jonathan? The sleeves are very nice. Yellow is in fashion this year. The sleeves are green, sir.
Oh. Well, they look a little yellow-green in this light. The other advisors laughed at Jonathan. They thought he could not see the sleeves. Of course, none of them could see the sleeves either, but they were all afraid to say anything.
No one wanted to look stupid, so they all pretended to see the wonderful new clothes.
I think my new clothes are perfect. When will you be done? We will be done next week. Very good. I will hold a parade next week. Then the entire city will be able to see my magical new clothes.
But your majesty, we need more money. We need to buy jeweled buttons for your new clothes. Here are two more bags of gold. Please buy the best jeweled buttons. Yes, your majesty. Only the best for you.
Again, Buster and Clyde hid the gold in their bags and pretended to buy jeweled buttons. Then they pretended to sew the buttons on the suit with gold thread.
The next day, the emperor’s messengers announced the parade. The townspeople were very excited about seeing the magical suit.
Attention, attention! His majesty, the emperor will hold a parade next week. His new clothes are magical clothes. Only smart, hard working people will be able to see his new clothes. People who are stupid or lazy will not be able to see the clothes at all. Attention, attention!
Did you hear that? Magical clothes? My sister said the clothes were yellow and blue. Then your sister must be stupid. My cousin said they were red and green. My sister is not stupid! Your cousin must be lazy.
Maybe the suit is all colors. Oh, don’t be stupid! All week long, buster and Clyde pretended to sew the emperor’s new clothes. But there was no silk cloth to cut. There was no gold thread in the needles. And there were no jeweled buttons or silver trim anywhere in the sewing room.
Chapter 4
Finally, it was the day of the parade. The emperor went to the sewing room to see his new suit. So, tailors, are my new clothes ready?
Yes, they are. Here is the shirt. And here are the pants. And here is the coat. And we even made a hat!
Of course, there was nothing there at all. But the emperor pretended to see the magical suit. Wonderful! Beautiful! I love the hat. This suit is even better than the one was made for the king of France.
The cloth is as light as cobwebs. You will feel like you are wearing air. Would you like to try it on? Um, yes, I would. The emperor was very nervous. It was afraid to try on clothes he couldn’t see. But he had to pretend, or everyone would think he was stupid and lazy.
First he pretended to put on the shirt. Then he pretended to put on the pants. Then he pretended to put on the coat. Finally, he pretended to put on the hat.
How do I look? You look perfect, your majesty. It fits you like a glove.
The emperor looked in the mirror. But he still could not see the clothes. All he saw was his underwear and socks. Well, the townspeople are waiting. I must start the parade.
Thank you for this wonderful suit. You’re welcome, your majesty. Glad to be of service. The emperor went to the starting place for the parade. All of his Advisors were there. Your majesty, your new clothes are beautiful! The color is perfect!
The townspeople will love it. Then let’s start the parade. I can’t wait for everyone to see my new clothes. The emperor went outside and started the parade. The parade went from the castle to the town square.
All the people cheered and cheered for the emperor’s new clothes. Of course, no one could see them, but everyone pretended to. No one wanted anyone to think they were stupid or lazy. This is the emperor’s best suit ever.
See? I told you it was blue. Yes, but the pants are red. Then, a little boy pointed at the emperor and shouted. Mama, the emperor has no clothes on! Hush, Henry. Of course the emperor has clothes on. No, he doesn’t.
I can see his underwear! Suddenly, the emperor knew the child was right. The tailors had tricked him. There were no magic clothes. Everyone only pretended to see the clothes. The emperor continued his parade, but he heard the townspeople talking.
The boy said the emperor has no clothes on. I think he’s right. He is right! We were all so afraid to look stupid. We were stupid to believe in magical clothes.
The emperor learned that clothes were not important. Being a good and honest emperor was important.
The next day, the emperor gave all his clothes to the poor people in his city. He sent his soldiers to capture the lying tailors, but they were gone. They left the city with the emperor’s gold, and no one ever saw them again.